Admin Getting Started Guide

Admin Getting Started Guide


A key to Incident Xpress (IX) being easy to use is the extent to which it is easy to configure to an organization’s unique needs. So please take advantage of this customizability to adapt the product to your organization’s way of doing things. 

For an incident reporting system to be useful it must do several things well. Well means that the accuracy of data in the system can be relied upon for risk reduction, operational decisions and even for evidentiary purposes. To achieve this IX is designed to:

  1. Limit a user’s discretion in how they label or categorize an incident or event.
  2. Limit a user’s discretion in how they label the location where the incident happened.
  3. Minimize the use of fields where free text is entered.
  4. Control what an authorized user can access and do within the system.
  5. Limit access to confidential personal information.
  6. Track when a user accesses the application and what they do while signed in.

To ensure the credibility and usefulness of the data entered and stored in IX it is critically important that only two users have access to all privileges. And, only one of them should be authorized to use the Admin privileges to make changes to the product configuration. The Backup Administrator is just that – the backup for access if the System Administrator (SA) becomes unavailable for any reason. 

TIP: Consider making the person the SA reports to the Backup Administrator. This will save dedicating a user license to a backup who is not normally a user of the system. This backup administrator should be prohibited from using the privileges normally reserved for the SA unless he or she becomes unavailable.



Settings is the term used to configure some basic information about the owner organization. 

  1. Enter the “Company name” of the owner (subscriber) organization.
  2. Select the “Measurement type” from the dropdown list, either Metric (Canada) or Imperial (USA).
  3. Select the “Company country” where the owner organization is headquartered. Or, if a regional entity of a larger company, select the subscriber’s country. 
  4. Select the “Auto Logout” time meaning the amount of time without activity after which a user is automatically logged out. 
  5. Selecting the “Logo” image icon takes the user to their file folders. Selecting the organization’s logo file will post it to a popup in the settings screen. Select OK to confirm this is the correct image.
NOTE: Inserting the logo image will cause it to print on all reports.
       6. Select SAVE


Definition: Workgroups in the context of IX means groups whose members have the same user privileges. A workgroup is not a team in the normal sense of the term, but a group of users at the same level in the hierarchical relationship of users. 

TIP: To see all privileges that may be granted, select the WORKGROUP option in the Administration screen, then select the + sign to the right.

The most useful tool to help you form your workgroups is your department’s organization chart. 
In the context of IX it might look like this:

NOTE: In the above chart, the SA and the Manager are members of the Level 1 Workgroup. Organizationally they are substantially different – the SA reports to the Manager and also functions in the normal course of their duties as a Supervisor.

The organizational chart above shows three workgroups:

Level 1
Manager / Supervisor who is the System Administrator
All privileges including ADMIN
Level 2
Supervisor who is not the System Administrator      
All privileges except ADMIN
Level 3
Security Officers

Privileges for MY INCIDENTS &

Search incident

So, in this instance you just need three workgroups. But worth considering is:

Level 4
Notification List
View only privileges

Your organization might be more complicated and have a Chief Security Officer heading up an international organization with regional managers each with their own managers, supervisors, and security officers.

A complex organization might look like this:

Level 1
System Administrator & Chief Security Officer
All privileges including ADMIN
Level 2
Region specific Security Managers
All privileges including ADMIN except LOOKUPS, View audit & Edit subscription.
Level 3

Investigators, Managers & Supervisors   
All privileges except WORKGROUPS, LOOKUPS, View audit & Edit subscription.
Level 4
Security Officers     
Only MY INCIDENTS & Search incident.
Level 5
Notification List
View only privileges

TIP: Never grant “All Admin” privileges to anyone other than the SA and his/her backup. If any other workgroup requires some Admin privileges NEVER grant them the privileges to create and edit WORKGROUPS, LOOKUPS, and/or the Admin. privileges at the bottom of the form.

TASK 1: Edit NAME of Workgroup
  1. Select the Workgroup you want to edit.
  2. Select the [EDIT GROUP] button.

      3. Change the name of the group by replacing the existing name with the new one.
      4. Select [SAVE].

TIP: Change the default workgroup names to more descriptive ones such as System Administrator, Supervisors/Investigators, Security Officers – or any such descriptions that work for your organizational structure. 

TASK 2: Add a NEW Workgroup
  1. Select Workgroups.
  2. Select the + sign.

      3. Enter a name for the new Workgroup.
      4. Select the privileges for the new group.

      5. Select [SAVE].

TASK 3: Add a USER to a Workgroup.

  1. Select the Workgroup you want to add a user to.

      2. Select the [ADD USER] button.

       3. Enter the new user’s details.
       4. Select [ADD] .

NOTE: When you add a new user’s details, use their work email address as their ID and create a temporary password. They will get an email confirming their addition to IX and asking them to verify their email address using a link. They will be able to change their password under Profile after clicking on the verification link and logging into the system using the temporary password.


Lookup lists are available for:
  1. Corrective Action – used to mitigate similar incidents from reoccurring.
  2. Department - owner organization’s department list.
  3. Incident Class - 4 level hierarchical parent/child description of what happened.
  4. Location - 5 level hierarchical parent/child description of the owner organization’s locations to be used to identify      where incidents have happened.
  5. Person Type - category of involved person, such as employee, visitor, etc.
  6. Referred Agency - agencies that an incident/event might be referred to.
  7. Root Cause - what circumstances allowed the incident to occur.
  8. Vehicle Involvement - the involvement type for a vehicle.

Corrective Action

Review the corrective action type list and add, edit or delete as required. 

Delete any default descriptors you would never use. 

Task 1: ADD new Corrective action type

      1.    Select the + sign to bring up a dialog box to enter in a NEW item to the list.

       2. Enter the new type.
       3. Select [OK].
       4. Select [REFRESH].

Task 2: EDIT a corrective action type

  1. Select the pencil icon opposite the item you want to edit.

      2. Edit the item.
      3. Select [OK].
      4. Select [REFRESH].

Task 3: DELETE a corrective action type

  1. Select the trash can icon opposite the item you want to delete.

      2. Select [OK].
      3. Select [REFRESH].

NOTE: You cannot delete a type if it is used in a saved incident. The only choices you have are to leave it alone or to disable it.


Task 1: ADD a new Department type

  1. Select the + sign to bring up a dialog box to enter a NEW item to the list.

      2. Enter the new type.
      3. Select [OK].
      4. Select [REFRESH].

Task 2: Edit a Department type

  1. Select the pencil icon opposite the item you want to edit.

      2. Edit the item
      3. Select [OK].
      4. Select [REFRESH].

Task 3: Delete a Department type

      1. Select the trash can icon opposite the item you want to delete.

      2. Select [OK].
      3. Select [REFRESH].

NOTE: You cannot delete a type if it is used in a saved incident. The only choices you have are to leave it alone or to disable it.

Incident Class

Critically evaluate your requirements in the context of being able to produce meaningful reports and statistics for management and regulatory compliance purposes.

IX allows four levels of descriptors for classifying incidents. The structure is simple. Think of the first level as the parent, the second as the parent’s child, and the other are the child or the preceding child. For example:

Over $2,000

As with many things, less is more. It is recommended that the CLASS list be a list of the main descriptors that you want to manage.

The default incident classification and other lookups are meant to help in creating your own descriptors. All organizations are different. For example, if you are governed by any regulatory body you may need specific descriptors to comply with their reporting requirements.

TIP: Make sure the default incident class list includes any descriptor that is required for any regulatory compliance report.

STEP 1: Save or print the default Incident Class descriptors
  1. Under “Lookup Type”, select INCIDENT CLASS.
  2. Select the Excel icon (the file link will appear at the bottom left of your screen).
  3. Select the file link to open the file.
  4. Save or print the Excel list for easy editing.

STEP 2: Edit the Excel list
  1. Check the list to make sure the terminology is what is used by your organization.
  2. Check the list to make sure there are no misspellings.
  3. Delete any descriptors that do not apply to your organization.
  4. Add any missing descriptors that you require.
STEP 3: Edit the existing IX INCIDENT CLASS list
  2. Select LOOKUPS.
  3. Open “Lookup type” and select INCIDENT CLASS.
  4. Delete any of the classes you do not want to use by selecting the trash can opposite the INCIDENT CLASS and confirming the delete by selecting [OK].

      5. Edit any of the existing INCIDENT CLASSES by selecting the pencil icon next to the CLASS descriptor. 
      6. Make the edit, and select [OK].

      7. Use the [REFRESH] button to reorder the list alphabetically. 

NOTE: Selecting the [REFRESH] button also saves the new list and returns you to the Administration screen.
TIP: It is easy to add or edit descriptors later, however, if a descriptor is used in an incident it CANNOT be deleted, only disabled.

Location (WHERE)

TIP: Location descriptors are so substantially different for each organization that starting from scratch is recommended. 

NOTE: Review the default list and delete any descriptors you do not want to use.

TASK 1: Create your own location description labels
  1. Select the LABEL SETTINGS button.

NOTE: Five levels of descriptors are available to describe location. The list is hierarchical, the same as for INCIDENT CLASS. Your list might be as simple as floor and room. Or it may be much more complex, for example: State, City, Building, Floor, Room. Whatever you set for labels is what you will see in the NEW INCIDENT screen.
      2. Enter your preferred label names.
      3. Select [OK].
TIP: Create your list in Excel first. This makes it easier to see the child relationships in the list. 
NOTE: While you can export a list to Excel, you cannot import one.

TASK 2: Input your location descriptors into IX 
NOTE: If you have a lot of edits or new descriptors, it is best to start from scratch. If starting from scratch delete all the default descriptors.

      1. Enter your label descriptors including related child lookups.
NOTE: No need to worry about whether they are arranged alphabetically or not – they will be automatically arranged alphabetically when you select the [REFRESH] button.
      2. Select the [REFRESH] button.

Person Type

PERSON TYPE is the category of person, for example: employee, vendor, contractor, visitor.

Edit the default list as you wish and use the [REFRESH] button when you are finished to reorder the list alphabetically.

Referred Agency

Add, edit, or delete, as necessary. When finished do not forget to select the [REFRESH] button.

Root Cause

The default lookup list included with your vertical is comprehensive but if needed you can easily Add, Edit or Delete items.

ROOT CAUSE is the reason the incident happened. It might be a policy or procedure violation or failure to set an alarm. A common ROOT CAUSE would be Criminal Act.

TIP: Identifying ROOT CAUSE is the subject of many articles and seminars. Check out Wikipedia for an explanation of the 5 Why process to arrive at a ROOT CAUSE for an incident. 

Vehicle Involvement

Check out the default list and edit as you wish.


With audit privileges, an SA or user can look at various actions or edits that have occurred in the system. This can be done by searching a certain user’s edits.

Or by searching a variety of other actions that can be taken in the system such as searches performed or changes to the configuration of the system.

No action is required in Audit during configuration.

Email Notifications

TASK 1: Add email for person to receive notification
  1. Select the [ADD] button.

      2. Under “Email Subject Heading”, enter what you want to appear in the Subject Heading line of the email notification.

NOTE: Keep this simple, for example in a hotel setting the Manager might want to be notified whenever a death is reported on the property. In this case the subject heading would be DEATH.

      3. Enter one or more email addresses that the notification is to be sent to. 

NOTE: You can enter several email addresses separated by a comma however please note this feature is not meant for mass notifications. It is meant to notify key personal in the owner organization. You do not need to be an IX user to be sent an email notification.

      4. Enter the WHAT descriptor that will trigger the automatic sending of the notification. 

NOTE: The WHAT descriptor is based on the INCIDENT CLASS lookup list. You can drill down as far as you want or as little as you want.

      5. Using the toggle switches, select when emails will be sent. i.e. When an incident is created, when             an incident is  edited and when an incident is closed.
      6. Select SAVE when the form is complete.


This is where the SA manages the organization’s subscription to Incident Xpress. 

In the Subscription section, you can change your plan from monthly to yearly, add more users or cancel your subscription. 

This is also where the organization’s billing and payment information is kept.

To subscribe to Incident Xpress:
      1. In the Administration menu, click on Subscription.
      2. Enter your organization's credit card information.
      3. Select NEXT.

NOTE: Incident Xpress uses Stripe to collect payment which means we never actually get access to an organizations credit card information adding an extra layer of security when it comes to payment.
      4. Select from the Monthly or Annual plan using the toggle switch and the number of concurrent                     users you require using the slide bar.
      5. Select NEXT.

      6. Enter your organization's billing information and select SAVE.

Once everything is entered correctly, you will see the details of your plan.

If you need to add users, simply go back to the Subscription section and adjust your plan accordingly. Your changes will take place immediately.

NOTE: If the subscription rate you currently have is lower then what is advertised in your Incident Xpress program and you want to add users or switch your plan from monthly to annual, contact the iX team at and we can help you keep your existing rate.

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